Basic information
Project title: „PART-NET“ - PARTicipation and NETworking
Partners: Sunne Kommuner (Norwegian Healthy Cities National Network), cities of: Chrudim, Litomerice, Prachatice, Valasske Mezirici, Volunteer center of Usti n. Labem
Project start date: 1. 4. 2022
Project end date: 30. 4. 2024
Funding source: EEA funds 2014-21, GG - Program Good governance
The EEA funds website:
Project focus
The project is focused on deepening cooperation with the public at the level of municipalities and regions.
The goal is to make it easier for citizens to engage in planning processes in the place where they live, and also to develop know-how of politicians and public officers in the participatory methods.
Groups of activities:
a) work with children and youth (planning meetings, round tables, examples of good practice, etc.)
b) work with politicians (sharing experiences in Norwegian and Czech environment, education, etc.)
c) innovative participatory activities (emotional maps, work with groups more difficult to engage, etc.)
d) methodological and educational support for municipalities (trainings, seminars, conferences, etc.)
Contact - more detailed information:
HCCZ Office
Individual project activities:
National seminar on participation with Norwegian attendance and presentations (7.12.2023) program:
for more information see the Czech webpage

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Instagram post
FB a Twitter post
In English:
PR: Cooperation between Czech and Norwegian cities brought lots of inspiration (04/2024)
Norwegian Healthy Cities in Brno and Prague (12/2023)
Czech and Norwegian Healthy Cities networking in Norway (04/2023)
In Czech:
TZ: Česká a norská síť Zdravých měst budou spolupracovat (04/2022)
Česká a norská síť Zdravých měst mají co sdílet (04/2022
for more see the Czech webpage
In Norwegian: