Norwegian Healthy Cities in Brno and Prague
At the beginning of December we had the honour to welcome our Norwegian colleagues from the Healthy Cities Asker, Indre Ostfold and Krisitansand and the Norwegian Healthy Cities Network to the Czech Republic. The aim of the meeting was mainly to inspire each other, to discuss what is happening in the Czech Republic and Norway in the field of citizen engagement, involving people in the development of their municipalities, where we can enrich each other, what we can improve.
The first part of the meeting took place in Brno, where a rich programme was prepared by the BRNO Office - Healthy City in cooperation with the Department of Participation. Apart from interesting presentations, e.g. on the use of participation in working with data or in the field of strategic planning, it was also possible to show the concrete outputs of selected projects supported by the participatory budget "We value your opinion". Our Norwegian colleagues were enthusiastic about the visit to the shared senior housing or the discussion on the project " Not Alone in This " on the topic of cancer prevention or treatment.
The second part of the study trip took place in Prague, where a national seminar on the topic of citizen engagement was on the agenda - both Czech and Norwegian examples of good practice were presented. More about the seminar, including presentations can be found HERE. Selected examples from the Czech Republic and Norway are continuously updated and can be found in both Czech and English versions in the DobraPraxe.cz database.
"I consider this cooperation to be very beneficial. On the one hand, it shows that there is a lot that can be done in the Czech Republic and that many other countries can learn a lot from us, but at the same time we are glad that it is possible to compare approaches and show that there is still much to develop and where to be inspired", adds Petr Švec, Director of the HCCZ.
The PART-NET project also includes a number of other events and activities open to all interested parties. Other partners in the project are also the cities of Chrudim, Litoměřice, Prachatice, Valašské Meziříčí and the Volunteer Centre Ústí nad Labem.