Czech and Norwegian Healthy Cities networking in Norway
Representatives of the Czech Healthy Cities National Network went on a study trip to Norway from 18 to 20 April 2023 as part of the joint PART-NET project, financed by the EEA funds. Even in such a short time, they managed to share a number of inspirations and experiences in the field of public engagement and citizen participation, health promotion or sustainable development. Also on the agenda was the concrete activities and cooperation with members of the networks in both countries. „We met with representatives from the municipalities of Kristiansand, Asker and Indre Østfold and of course the Norwegian HC Network. Although Norway can be an inspiration in many ways, we also found many similarities and common questions… how to attract people, how to get them away from screens or phones and get them to planning events, but how not to overload them, but mainly how to get from plans to results ", said Jitka Bouskova from the Czech HC National network. We shared a lot of inspirations in participative budgeting at the municipal level, but also at schools, and in planning with young people in general. Our topics were also work with strategies, linking health promotion or sustainable development principles to concrete activities of municipalities and cities. We talked about Place standard, community centres, participative budgeting in schools and much more. Selected examples from the Czech Republic and Norway are continuously updated and can be found in both Czech and English versions on https://www.zdravamesta.cz/cz/part-net-participace-a-networkingi The cooperation will also continue with a study trip of representatives of Norwegian cities to the Czech Republic this December where examples from practice in both countries will be presented. !! Thanks to our Norwegian colleagues and friends who made this possible, especially Vigdis and Maria and all involved city representatives 😊